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/ɪk'sklu:d/ v.
(排除在外,排斥) leave out of; keep out of; reject

Spelling Word: exclude
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/'fæktə(r)/ n. Syn. variable; element; component
(因素,變量) anything that contributes causally to a result; element; variable

Spelling Word: factor
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/'fɛdər(ə)l/ a.
(聯邦的,聯邦制的,聯邦政府的) of or relating to central government; national

Spelling Word: federal
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/'fɔ:mæt/ v. Syn. pattern; design
(模式,格式) pattern; design; set into a specific pattern

Spelling Word: format
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/greɪd/ n. Syn. rank
(等級,級別,年級,成績) step or degree in any series, rank, quality, order; relative position or standing

Spelling Word: grade
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/hɛns/ ad.
(因此,所以,從此後,從今後) from this place; from this time; from this reason; as an inference or deduction

Spelling Word: hence
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/'haɪlaɪt/ v. Syn. emphasize; stress
(使顯著,突出) make prominent; emphasize; stress

Spelling Word: highlight
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/aɪdɪ'ɒlədʒɪ/ n. Syn. belief; idea; philosophy
(意識形態) study of origin and nature of ideas

Spelling Word: ideology
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/'ɪmplɪmənt/ v. Syn. execute; perform
(貫徹,實現,用工具實現) put into effect; supply with tools

Spelling Word: implement
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/ɪ'nɪʃ(ə)l/ a. Syn. preliminary
(最初的,初始的) early; preliminary; occurring at the beginning

Spelling Word: initial