1 The scout laughed in his silent but heartfelt manner, and shook his head with vast satisfaction.
2 The deep guttural laugh of the savage sounded, at such a moment, to Duncan, like the hellish taunt of a demon.
3 When the Indian had complied, the scout received the prize, and holding it on high, he laughed in his silent but heartfelt manner.
4 The young hounds go laughing and singing too much already through the woods, when they ought not to breathe louder than a fox in his cover.
5 Alice laughingly followed her sister, who instantly led the way from an apartment where she perceived their presence was no longer desirable.
6 His cry was answered by a yell and a laugh from the woods, as tauntingly exulting as if fifty demons were uttering their blasphemies at the fall of some Christian soul.
7 "Magua slept hard in the English wigwams, and the sticks have left their mark," returned the savage, with a hollow laugh, which did not conceal the fierce temper that nearly choked him.
8 The savage drew the flowing curls through his hand, and raising them on high with an outstretched arm, he passed the knife around the exquisitely molded head of his victim, with a taunting and exulting laugh.
9 The rifles flashed, the leaves and bark of the oak flew into the air, and were scattered by the wind, but the Indian answered their assault by a taunting laugh, sending down upon them another bullet in return, that struck the cap of Hawkeye from his head.
10 The scout looked behind him, laughing at his own conceit, while he clambered up the partition, imitating, as he went, the clumsy motions of the beast he represented; but the instant the summit was gained he made a gesture for silence, and slid down with the utmost precipitation.
11 Though the arts of peace were unknown to this fatal region, its forests were alive with men; its shades and glens rang with the sounds of martial music, and the echoes of its mountains threw back the laugh, or repeated the wanton cry, of many a gallant and reckless youth, as he hurried by them, in the noontide of his spirits, to slumber in a long night of forgetfulness.