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Current Search - white men in The Last of the Mohicans
1 The red-skins should be friends, and look with open eyes on the white men.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 28
2 The sensations produced in the minds of even the white men were different, though uniformly sorrowful.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 18
3 Chingachgook was probably better acquainted with the notions of white men, for he did not even cast a glance aside from the riveted look his eye maintained on the object by which he governed their course.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 20
4 In short, the whole village or town, whichever it might be termed, possessed more of method and neatness of execution, than the white men had been accustomed to believe belonged, ordinarily, to the Indian habits.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 21
5 The scout, to whom alone, of all the white men, the words were intelligible, suffered himself to be a little aroused from his meditative posture, and bent his face aside, to catch their meaning, as the girls proceeded.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 33
6 It was fortunate that the race was of short continuance, and that the white men were much favored by their position, or the Delaware would soon have outstripped all his companions, and fallen a victim to his own temerity.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 32
7 In this manner, the head of Munro again drooping on his bosom, with Heyward and David following in sorrowing silence, and attended by the aide of Montcalm with his guard, all the white men, with the exception of Hawkeye, passed from before the eyes of the Delawares, and were buried in the vast forests of that region.
The Last of the MohicansBy James Fenimore Cooper ContextHighlight In CHAPTER 33