Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary | Introduction |
3000 Level 2 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[懲罰] punish, as by beating; criticize severely; rebuke | |
[煉金術士] medieval chemistry; magical or mysterious power or process of transforming | |
[減弱,減少] subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity | |
[大為吃驚,(極度的)驚愕,驚恐] intense state of fear or dismay; astonishment combined with terror |
[收集,聚集] gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to | |
[累積] increasing by successive addition | |
[欺騙,誘騙,消磨時間,消遣,迷住] mislead; delude; deceive by guile | |
[配重,沙袋] heavy substance used to add stability or weight |
[耕地的,耕種的] pertaining to land or its cultivation; relating to agricultural or rural matters | |
[讓步,順從] yielding to request or desire; ready to accommodate; disposed or willing to comply | |
[懲罰] punish, as by beating; criticize severely; rebuke | |
[聽覺的] of or relating to hearing, the organs of hearing, or the sense of hearing |
[圍繞,捲繞,費解] coiled around; highly involved; intricate | |
[溫和的,友好禮貌的] exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome | |
[寬敞的] capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy | |
[侮辱,冒犯,蓄意蔑視] insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect |
[煉金術士] medieval chemistry; magical or mysterious power or process of transforming | |
[兩棲的] able to live both on land and in water | |
[好鬥的,好鬥嘴的] inclined or eager to fight; aggressive | |
[傳話] discuss lightly or glibly; exchange words heatedly |
[凸的] curving outward; having a surface that bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere | |
[咆哮,嚇唬] blow in heavy gusts; speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner | |
[減弱,減少] subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity | |
[欠債] being in debt; unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation |
[食肉的] eating or feeding on flesh; predatory | |
[給與,割讓] yielding to another; ceding or surrendering | |
[(吟遊)詩人] poet, especially lyric poet | |
[到來,出現] coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important |
[兩棲的] able to live both on land and in water | |
[裝飾] enhance or decorate with or as if with ornaments | |
[欺騙,誘騙,消磨時間,消遣,迷住] mislead; delude; deceive by guile | |
[大為吃驚,(極度的)驚愕,驚恐] intense state of fear or dismay; astonishment combined with terror |
[友情] good-fellowship; companionship; close friendship in friends or teammates | |
[滑稽的模仿] give an imitation that ridicules; imitate mockingly or humorously | |
[給與,割讓] yielding to another; ceding or surrendering | |
[圍繞,捲繞,費解] coiled around; highly involved; intricate |
[控制,限制(自己)] refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice | |
[凸的] curving outward; having a surface that bulges outward, as the exterior of a sphere | |
[寬敞的] capable of containing a large quantity; spacious or roomy | |
[溫和的,友好禮貌的] exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome |