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 3000 Level 3 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [昏睡的,瞌睡的] drowsy; dull; indifferent or apathetic

Spelling Word: lethargic
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a. [极小的] extremely small; very small person; trivial or petty

Spelling Word: lilliputian
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a. [撒谎成性的,撒谎的,假的] lying; habitually dishonest; speaking falsely

Spelling Word: mendacious
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n. [厌恶人类的人,憎人者] one who hates or mistrusts mankind

Spelling Word: misanthrope
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a. [僧侣的,遁入空门的,不问世事] related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly concerns

Spelling Word: monastic
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n. [营养品] nourishing substance; source of nourishment, especially the nourishing ingredient in a food

Spelling Word: nutrient
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n. [鸦片剂,安眠的,止痛的] medicine to induce sleep or deaden pain; something that relieves emotions or causes inaction

Spelling Word: opiate
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v. [发表意见] express an opinion;  think; suppose

Spelling Word: opine
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n. [演哑剧] communication using gesture and facial expression

Spelling Word: pantomime
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a. [背信弃义的,不诚实的] tending to betray; disloyal; faithless

Spelling Word: perfidious