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 3000 Level 2 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [不重要的,少数的] happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design

Spelling Word: incidental
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a. [疲倦] tireless; showing sustained enthusiastic action

Spelling Word: indefatigable
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n. [槽,小开口] concave cut into a surface or edge; small hollow or depression

Spelling Word: indentation
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a. [不屈服的,不可被征服的] unconquerable; incapable of being overcome

Spelling Word: indomitable
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a. [索然无味的,单调的] lacking flavor or zest; not tasty; dull

Spelling Word: insipid
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a. [暗淡的,无光的,单调的] dull; lacking luster or shine

Spelling Word: lackluster
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n. [连续虔诚的祈祷] repetitive or incantatory recital; long and tedious address

Spelling Word: litany
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n. [光泽,光彩] shine, polish, or sparkle; soft reflected light

Spelling Word: luster
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v. [剥夺,驱逐] expel; eject from a position or place; force out

Spelling Word: oust
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a. [不显著的,微小的] insignificant; lacking in importance or worth; worthless

Spelling Word: paltry