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Level 5 - 1 - Manage Words by Panel - Page 7 |
New Known Review |
brake |
n. [وقفے] a piece of mechanism for retarding or stopping motion by friction A lot of the cost of maintenance goes into renewing the brake of my old car. |
New Known Review |
brand |
n. [برانڈ] a burning piece of wood; mark made by burning with a hot iron; distinctive mark upon in any way He has his own brand of humor and always brings laugh for us. |
New Known Review |
brazen |
a. [broach] having loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; shameless His entire premiership has become an exercise in brazen dishonesty. |
New Known Review |
breakthrough |
n. [فتح] act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction The president announces what he calls a breakthrough in Copenhagen on the climate change summit. |
New Known Review |
bribe |
n. [رشوت] something serving to influence or persuade; reward or gift to prevent judgment It was easy to see the gift as a sort of bribe. |
New Known Review |
bridle |
n. [bracing لگام] headgear with which a horse is directed and which carries a bit and reins Nothing says quality like thick bridle leather, brass rivets, and metal fasteners. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
brink |
n. [کنارا] edge, margin, or border of a steep place verge Beyond the verge of provocation, I never ventured; on the extreme brink, I liked well to try my skill. |
New Known Review |
broach |
v. [broach] introduce; bring up for discussion or debate; announce Jack did not even try to broach the subject of religion with his in-laws. |
New Known Review |
brood |
v. [فکر] think long and anxiously; be in a state of gloomy, serious thought It's no use to brood over one's past mistakes. |
New Known Review |
brutal |
a. [سفاکانہ] like a brute; savage; cruel; inhuman; merciless In many cases, a rich businessman reached the top by trampling others in the most brutal way. |
New Known Review |
buck |
v. [ہرن] move quickly and violently; jump vertically; strive with determination John is trying to buck for a promotion. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
bully |
n. [بدمعاش] noisy, blustering fellow; one who is threatening and quarrelsome; insolent, tyrannical fellow I found early in life that the best way to defeat a bully is a punch to the nose. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
cable |
n. [کیبل] solid thick rope made of twisted steel or metal wire It provides cable television services and high-speed internet services to the community. |