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5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
[反常的,异常的,变态的] unusual; not typical; not normal | |
[波浪起伏的,(风)不断改变方向的] having many small waves; rough with small waves | |
[演示,论证] show clearly and deliberately; manifest; confirm; prove | |
[内阁] a small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests |
[年代学,年表] time sequence; an arrangement of events in time | |
[咨询,请教] seek advice or information of; take into account; consider | |
[祝贺,道喜] act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration | |
[会计学] a system that provides quantitative information about finances |
[约束,限制,拘束] something that restricts or confines within prescribed bounds | |
[运动员] a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games | |
[尝试] the action of trying at something | |
[旋风,龙卷风] violent rotating windstorm |
[吧,酒吧] a counter where you can obtain food or drink; cafe; strip; stick | |
[过时的,陈旧的] too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; obsolete; aged | |
[假定,设想,采取] something taken for accepted as true without proof; taking over or taking possession of | |
[狭窄,限制的,拘束的,偏狭的] restricting scope or freedom of action; crowded |
[尝试] the action of trying at something | |
[辩护] speak, plead, or argue in favor of; plead for; push for something | |
[代表] represent; advantage, benefit, the interest of someone | |
[宣称,主张,断言] suggestion without proof that someone has done something wrong |
[无用的附加物] something added on or attached generally nonessential or inferior | |
[运动员] a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games | |
[飞奔,投掷] move suddenly and rapidly | |
[暴风雪] a severe snowstorm with strong winds |
[令人激动的,惊人的] very surprising or shocking | |
[连续的] following one after another without interruption; sequential | |
[运动员] a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games | |
[旋风,龙卷风] violent rotating windstorm |
[平仄,重音] rhythmic rise and fall of words or sounds; beat | |
[弄脏,污染,感染] make impure or unclean by contact or mixture; pollute; defile | |
[暴风雪] a severe snowstorm with strong winds | |
[过时的,陈旧的] too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; obsolete; aged |
[克拉(黄金重量单位)] unit of weight for precious stones; a measure of fineness of gold | |
[挫败,使气馁] something that discourages; tending to deter | |
[一致的,稳定的,变化少的] agreeing with itself; coherent; regular | |
[连续的] following one after another without interruption; sequential |
[粉笔] soft, earthy substance, of a white, grayish, or yellowish-white color, used as a drawing implement | |
[演示,论证] show clearly and deliberately; manifest; confirm; prove | |
[描述] represent in a picture or sculpture; portray in words; describe | |
[建立殖民地,拓殖] migrate to and settle in; plant |