Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 3 - Matching Quizzes |
[광합성] the chemical combination brought about by the action of light | |
[임대] rent; charter; engage for service under a term of the contract | |
[영구] remaining without essential change | |
[중재] resolve or settle differences by working with all conflicting parties |
[옥수수] tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears | |
[영구] remaining without essential change | |
[뒷면] side of an object that is opposite its front; hind part; point, or area farthest from the front | |
[초과] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance |
[전망] search for or explore for mineral deposits or oil | |
[타악기] striking one object against another sharply | |
[석회석] a rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate or carbonate of lime | |
[온스] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound |
[결과] result; end or consequence; a result of a random trial | |
[국방] state of refreshing tranquility; an act of making less strict | |
[타악기] striking one object against another sharply | |
[놀라운] wonderful; extraordinarily good |
[르네상스] revival; renewal; the revival of learning and culture | |
[희귀] scarce; infrequently occurring; uncommon | |
[잔여] remainder; small part or portion that remains after the central part no longer exists | |
[초과] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance |
[버섯] fleshy fungi, having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk; one who rises rapidly from a low condition in life | |
[추정할 수있는] supposed to be accurate; reasonable as a supposition | |
[강조] say, state, or perform again or repeatedly | |
[paddler 정보] someone paddling a canoe |
[전망] search for or explore for mineral deposits or oil | |
[버섯] fleshy fungi, having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk; one who rises rapidly from a low condition in life | |
[의��] restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify the thought of others | |
[온스] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound |
[언어학] study of language; investigation of language and its literature | |
[전망] search for or explore for mineral deposits or oil | |
[접수] secretary whose primary duty is to answer the telephone and receive visitors | |
[책망] scold harshly; criticize severely |
[광합성] the chemical combination brought about by the action of light | |
[온스] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound | |
[언어학] study of language; investigation of language and its literature | |
[버섯] fleshy fungi, having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk; one who rises rapidly from a low condition in life |
[온스] unit of weight equal to one-sixteenth of a pound | |
[버섯] fleshy fungi, having an umbrella-shaped cap borne on a stalk; one who rises rapidly from a low condition in life | |
[초과] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance | |
[일반] without elevations or depressions; flat; smooth; not rich; simple; without beauty; not handsome |