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  Level 1 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [用显微镜可见的,极小的] tiny; extremely precise with great attention to details; of or relating to or used in microscopy

Spelling Word: microscopic
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n. [分子] the smallest particle of substance, having all the properties of that substance

Spelling Word: molecule
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v. [阻塞(道路,通道等),妨碍,阻挠] stop; impede; shut out from view

Spelling Word: obstruct
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a. [辛勤的] extremely careful and diligent work or effort; taking of pains

Spelling Word: painstaking
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n. [赞助,惠顾] sponsorship; support; state of being a sponsor

Spelling Word: patronage
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a. [刑罚的,刑法上的] subject to punishment by law

Spelling Word: penal
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n. [开拓者] originator; explorer; a person who is one of the first people to do something

Spelling Word: pioneer
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n. [仓促,降雨量] unexpected acceleration or hastening; the quantity of water falling to earth

Spelling Word: precipitation
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a. [史前的,质朴的] uncorrupted by civilization; primitive; remaining free from dirt or decay

Spelling Word: pristine
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n. [风尚,风靡一时的事物] something that is desired intensely; state of extreme anger

Spelling Word: rage