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  Level 1 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [裂缝] a shallow area in a waterway; break in friendly relations; narrow fissure in a rock

Spelling Word: rift
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a. [健壮的] vigorous; full of health and strength; vigorous

Spelling Word: robust
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n. [部分,片断] sector; portion; any of the parts into which something can be divided

Spelling Word: segment
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v. [分开,隔开,阻隔] set or keep apart; disunite; divide; disconnect

Spelling Word: separate
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a. [蜿蜒的,弯曲复杂的,不老实的] winding; bending in and out; not morally honest

Spelling Word: sinuous
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a. [标准化的] uniform; brought into conformity with a standard

Spelling Word: standardized
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n. [用订书钉装订固定] principal raw material or commodity produced in a region; principal element

Spelling Word: staple
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n. [过度的疲劳,紧张] group of organisms within a species; tension; pressure

Spelling Word: strain
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a. [风格化的,程式化的] using artistic forms and conventions to create effects; not natural or spontaneous

Spelling Word: stylized
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n. [太阳镜,墨镜] spectacles that are darkened to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun

Spelling Word: sunglasses