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/'æbdɪkeɪt/ v. Syn. renounce
(thoái vị) give up, renounce, abandon, lay down, or withdraw from, as a right or claim

Spelling Word: abdicate
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/ə'bɛt/ v. Syn. encourage
(tiếp tay) aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage

Spelling Word: abet
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/ə'brɪdʒ/ v. Syn. condense; shorten
(hạn chế một) condense; shorten; reduce length of written text

Spelling Word: abridge
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/ə'kɔ:d/ n. Syn. agreement; treaty
(phù) settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states

Spelling Word: accord
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/æn'θɒlədʒɪ/ n. Syn. collection
(tuyển tập) book of literary selections by various authors

Spelling Word: anthology
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/æprɪ'hɛnd/ v. Syn. arrest; perceive
(tóm) take into custody; arrest a criminal; grasp mentally; perceive

Spelling Word: apprehend
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/ə'praɪz/ v. Syn. inform
(thông báo cho nhóm) inform; give notice to; make aware

Spelling Word: apprise
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/æpt/ a. Syn. appropriate; suitable
(apt) likely; exactly suitable; appropriate; quick to learn or understand

Spelling Word: apt
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/'ɑrbɪtə(r)/ n. Syn. judge
(trọng tài) person with power to decide a dispute; judge

Spelling Word: arbiter
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/ə'sɪdjʊəs/;/ə'sɪdʒʊəs/ a. Syn. diligent; persistent
(lẫm liệt) constant in application or attention; diligent; unceasing or persistent

Spelling Word: assiduous