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(मंदा) late; delayed; moving slowly

Spelling Word: tardy
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(संक्षिप्त) effectively concise; appearing as if wiped or rubbed, as smooth

Spelling Word: terse
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(छप्पर) house roof made with a plant material

Spelling Word: thatch
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(टिलर) lever used to turn a rudder and steer a boat; drawer in table, chest, or counter

Spelling Word: tiller
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(ग्रंथ) systematic, usually extensive written discourse on a subject

Spelling Word: treatise
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(undulating rarefied) infallibly; without error, mistake, or failure

Spelling Word: unerringly
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(एकरूपता) sameness or consistency; freedom from variation or difference

Spelling Word: uniformity
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(आदरणीय) deserving high respect; impressive by reason of age; profoundly honored

Spelling Word: venerable
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(वाचाल) express in speech; speak or use words to express

Spelling Word: verbalize
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(शब्दाडंबर) pompous array of words; overabundance of words

Spelling Word: verbiage