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3500 ACT Vocabulary
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Group (5) - Spelling Practices
(उपदेश देना) instruct or correct, especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement
(अहंकार) excessive interest in one's self; belief that one should be interested in one's self rather than in others
(टलना) avoid cleverly; escape perception of
(शर्मिंदा) humiliate; shame; cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert
(अनुकरण) be a match or counterpart for; eager to equal or excel
(बेहद) in an endless manner
(मताधिकार देना) admit to rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote
(आवृत) enclose or encase completely with or as if with a covering
(प्रतीक) representative or perfect example of a class or type; brief summary, as of a book or article
(न्यायसंग���) marked by or having equity; just and impartial
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