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(疲乏) state or feeling of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness

Spelling Word: lassitude
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(领导能力,领导阶层) guidance; direction; authority; position or office of a leader

Spelling Word: leadership
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(不道德的,下流的,放纵的) amoral; unrestrained; lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint

Spelling Word: licentious
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(五行打油诗) humorous short verse; nonsense song or verse

Spelling Word: limerick
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(发音不清,口齿不清) pronounce the letter s imperfectly; give s and z the sound of th; speak hesitatingly with low voice, as if afraid

Spelling Word: lisp
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(乱丢) disorderly accumulation of objects; carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper

Spelling Word: litter
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(手册) guide book; hand-operated

Spelling Word: manual
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(弯曲,蜿蜒) follow a winding and turning course; move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction

Spelling Word: meander
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(记忆,记忆力,回忆) faculty of mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events

Spelling Word: memory
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(撒谎成性的,撒谎的,假的) lying; habitually dishonest; speaking falsely

Spelling Word: mendacious