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Group 19 - Matching Quizzes |
(टोम) large volume; large and scholarly book | |
(travail) painful labor; work, especially when arduous or involving painful effort | |
(सशंक) fearful; demonstrating fear; weakly hesitant | |
(कायरता) lack of self-confidence or courage |
(स्पष्ट) admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; clear and unambiguous | |
(सशंक) fearful; demonstrating fear; weakly hesitant | |
(आंधी) tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific; violent whirlwind | |
(शीर्ष) highest point; apex or summit; common point of two lines of angle |
(travail) painful labor; work, especially when arduous or involving painful effort | |
(truncate) cut the top off; make shorter as if by cutting off | |
(छू) concerning; relating to; with respect to | |
(पारदर्शी) easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely |
(छू) concerning; relating to; with respect to | |
(भड़ौआ) comedy characterized by improbable situations; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous | |
(व्यर्थ) having no real substance, value, or importance; empty; void; worthless; unsatisfying | |
(वसंत) related to spring; suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh |
(कायरता) lack of self-confidence or courage | |
(कोलाहल) noise, as made by a crowd; riot or uprising | |
(कटु) forceful, effective, and vigorous; sharp or keen | |
(व्यर्थ) having no real substance, value, or importance; empty; void; worthless; unsatisfying |
(अनिष्ट) unanswered; not returned; not reciprocated; not repaid | |
(भाप बनकर) turn into vapor, steam, gas, or fog; decrease rapidly and disappear | |
(उपक्रम) put at risk; adventure | |
(कोलाहल) noise, as made by a crowd; riot or uprising |
(असार) empty; showing lack of thought or intelligence; vacant | |
(भड़ौआ) comedy characterized by improbable situations; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous | |
(ग़ैरजिम्मेदार) inexplicable; unreasonable or mysterious | |
(सर्वव्यापक) being or existing everywhere; omnipresent |
(अनिष्ट) unanswered; not returned; not reciprocated; not repaid | |
(टोम) large volume; large and scholarly book | |
(साक्षात्कार) secret meeting; agreement, as between lovers, to meet at a certain time and place | |
(पूरा हुआ) not harmed or damaged in any way; untouched |
(अनुचित) grossly improper; indecent; in poor taste | |
(एकरूपता) sameness or consistency; freedom from variation or difference | |
(असार) empty; showing lack of thought or intelligence; vacant | |
(घबराहट) state of alarm or dread; nervous apprehension; involuntary trembling or quivering |
(शीलवान) showing a high degree of refinement | |
(बेखबर) not intended; not knowing; unaware; ignorant | |
(कटु) forceful, effective, and vigorous; sharp or keen | |
(सर्वव्यापक) being or existing everywhere; omnipresent |