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Barron GRE Vocabulary | Filter and Find |
Group 20 - Matching Quizzes |
(đới) acting as substitute; done by deputy; experienced at secondhand | |
(bay hơi) tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
(lung) move to and fro with a quick, jerking motion; bend rapidly, or with a wavering motion, from side to side | |
(suy yếu) decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end |
(lương) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ | |
(wean) gradually deprive infants of mother's milk; detach affections of | |
(hay chưởi rủa) marked by harsh spoken or written abuse; scolding | |
(sức sống) active strength of body or mind; imaginative lively style, especially style of writing; exertion of force |
(thấp hèn) worthless; mean; despicable; depraved by sin; hateful | |
(đùa) move one way and the other with quick turns; shake to and fro; move in vibrating; cause to vibrate | |
(phỉ báng) debase; degrade; spread negative information about | |
(khôi hài) witty, jocular, like a wag; humorous; tricky |
(sinh động) bright; lively; graphic; having striking color | |
(tồn tại) practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness | |
(xoáy) whirlwind; whirlpool; center of turbulence; spiral motion of fluid within a limited area | |
(virus) disease communicator; something that poisons one's soul or mind; program for unwanted actions in computer |
(tầm nhìn) ability to see; sight; vivid mental image | |
(virus) disease communicator; something that poisons one's soul or mind; program for unwanted actions in computer | |
(đùa) move one way and the other with quick turns; shake to and fro; move in vibrating; cause to vibrate | |
(bắn một loạt) flight of missiles; round of gunshots; tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces |
(nhăn) a minor difficulty; a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface | |
(thù) seek revenge or intended for revenge; showing malicious will | |
(phỉ báng) debase; degrade; spread negative information about | |
(sống còn) full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing |
(dương vật) marked by energy and vigor; manly; able to copulate, as for male | |
(vật bị hỏng) one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; idler or loafer | |
(sống còn) full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing | |
(om sòm) offensively loud; noisy; making outcry |
(lung) move to and fro with a quick, jerking motion; bend rapidly, or with a wavering motion, from side to side | |
(bay hơi) tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence | |
(phường) guard; defender; protector; state under guard; division of a county; division of a hospital | |
(phỉ báng) debase; degrade; spread negative information about |
(gài bẩy) lie in wait for and attack from ambush; wait in hiding to attack; intercept unexpectedly | |
(đồ sộ) large in volume or bulk; large in number or quantity, especially of discourse | |
(phường) guard; defender; protector; state under guard; division of a county; division of a hospital | |
(phàm ăn) ravenous; excessively greedy and grasping; devouring or craving food in great quantities |
(bắn một loạt) flight of missiles; round of gunshots; tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces | |
(phàm ăn) ravenous; excessively greedy and grasping; devouring or craving food in great quantities | |
(sức sống) active strength of body or mind; imaginative lively style, especially style of writing; exertion of force | |
(mỏ voyeur) viewer who enjoys seeing sex acts or sex organs of others |