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Group 4 - Matching Quizzes |
(ताली) applaud; slap; strike together with a sharp sound, as one hard surface on another | |
(महाविद्यालय) work of art put together from fragments | |
(खाई) deep opening in the earth surface | |
(दबदबा) blow, especially with fist; great influence, especially political or social |
(तलब) quote; adduce as an instance | |
(संज्ञानात्मक) knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
(गड़हे) reservoir or water tank; vessel to hold water for household uses | |
(राजपूत का) having qualities of ideal knight; faithful; brave |
(तलब) quote; adduce as an instance | |
(चैंपियन) protect or fight for as first place | |
(मिलीभगत) secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
(संज्ञानात्मक) knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic |
(ताली) applaud; slap; strike together with a sharp sound, as one hard surface on another | |
(cloying) distasteful because excessive; excessively sweet or sentimental | |
(ईमानदार) diligent; responsible; reliable | |
(संरक्षिका) person, especially an older or married woman, who accompanies a young unmarried woman in public; a guide or companion to assist activity |
(कोमा) in coma; extremely sleepy; unconscious | |
(संज्ञानात्मक) knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
(आग) large destructive fire; burning; large-scale military conflict | |
(सिविल) having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite |
(जुटना) stick or hold together in a mass that resists separation | |
(अक्खड़) difficult to work with; rude; unyielding; unmanageable | |
(निर्णायक) definitive; decisive; final | |
(महाविद्यालय) work of art put together from fragments |
(मुक़ाबला) examine in order to verify authenticity; arrange in order | |
(संविधान) law determining the fundamental political principles of a government; the act of forming something | |
(अक्खड़) difficult to work with; rude; unyielding; unmanageable | |
(महाविद्यालय) work of art put together from fragments |
(चैंपियन) protect or fight for as first place | |
(ताली) applaud; slap; strike together with a sharp sound, as one hard surface on another | |
(पारखी) specialist; person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts | |
(संगत) harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes |
(घटक) element; ingredient; abstract part of something | |
(कोमा) in coma; extremely sleepy; unconscious | |
(अनुमान) believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds | |
(जलवायु) region; climate; particular region as defined by its weather or climate |
(संगति) harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts | |
(संज्ञानात्मक) knowing or perceiving; part of mental functions that deals with logic | |
(महाविद्यालय) work of art put together from fragments | |
(गर्भाधान) beginning; forming of an idea; act of conceiving |