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(درآمدی) bring in from another country

Spelling Word: import
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(دنڈ سے مستثنی) freedom from punishment or harm; exemption from injury, suffering, or discomfort

Spelling Word: impunity
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(incisive) penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or expression

Spelling Word: incisive
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(متضاد) inharmonious; impossible to coexist; not easy to combine harmoniously

Spelling Word: incompatible
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(مہتوہین اسنیمی) lacking self-restraint; lacking sexual restraint; unchaste

Spelling Word: incontinent
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(سنگین پوٹ کاری) concave cut into a surface or edge; small hollow or depression

Spelling Word: indentation
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(دیشی) native; originating where it is found

Spelling Word: indigenous
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(اویوادی) not open to question; obviously true; beyond dispute or doubt

Spelling Word: indisputable
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(حملہ کرنا) overrun; invade in great numbers; occupy in large numbers or live on a host

Spelling Word: infest
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(پیمجات) possessed at birth; inborn

Spelling Word: innate