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(فٹکار) abusive language used to express blame or ill will

Spelling Word: invective
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(ادمی) unable to be restrained; difficult or impossible to control or restrain

Spelling Word: irrepressible
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(iterate itinerant) wandering; traveling place to place, especially to perform work or duty

Spelling Word: itinerant
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(محض) تماشا گروں) deed; action; act performed for amusement; joke

Spelling Word: jest
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(فوجی حکمرانوں) group of men joined in political intrigue; group of military officers ruling a country

Spelling Word: junta
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(سست) slow; sluggish; wasting time

Spelling Word: laggard
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(lucid) lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness

Spelling Word: languid
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(کوشکار) author or compiler of dictionary; one employed in making of vocabulary or wordbook of language

Spelling Word: lexicographer
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(ذمےواری) something that holds one back; state of being legally obliged and responsible

Spelling Word: liability
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(رابطہ) close relationship, connection, or link; secret love affair

Spelling Word: liaison