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 Group 17 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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(chế giễu) mock; ridicule; show or express scorn; eat quickly and greedily

Spelling Word: scoff
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(lòi đường may ra) sordid; morally degraded; squalid or corrupt

Spelling Word: seamy
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(phái) separate religious body; faction united by common interests or beliefs

Spelling Word: sect
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(xao xuyến) be disturbed; boil; be in state of turmoil or ferment

Spelling Word: seethe
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(địa chấn) caused by earthquake or earth vibration; earthshaking

Spelling Word: seismic
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(cảm) emotional; Resulting from emotion rather than reason or realism

Spelling Word: sentimental
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(tự hoại) of the seventh degree or order; act of causing to rot; causing sepsis or putrefaction

Spelling Word: septic
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(việc xác) slavish; suitable to slave or servant; relating to servitude or forced labor

Spelling Word: servile
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(đụng độ) minor battle in war; minor or preliminary conflict or dispute

Spelling Word: skirmish
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(hàng loạt) rotate or turn something about its axis; veer a vehicle; pivot

Spelling Word: slew