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(quạu) mentally or emotionally upset; deranged; excessively agitated

Spelling Word: berserk
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(ban) give as gift; present

Spelling Word: bestow
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(hai năm một lần) every two years; lasting or living for two years

Spelling Word: biennial
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(bilious) suffering from indigestion; appearing as if affected by disorder; sickly

Spelling Word: bilious
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(hại) suffering from a disease; destroyed, ruined, or spoiled

Spelling Word: blighted
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(ràng buộc) tied; held; committed; limit; constraint; leap; jump

Spelling Word: bound
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(bout) contest between antagonists; contest or fight; a period of time spent in a particular way, as in illness

Spelling Word: bout
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(giống) raise; produce offspring; give birth to or hatch; mate

Spelling Word: breed
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(gánh nặng) main impact or shock; main burden

Spelling Word: brunt
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(cục gôm) mismanage; blunder; work or act in clumsy, awkward, or blundering manner

Spelling Word: bungle