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(phổ biến) distribute; spread; scatter like seeds

Spelling Word: disseminate
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(bất hòa) discord; disagreeable sounds; harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds

Spelling Word: dissonance
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(chưng cất) give off liquid; purify; refine; increase the concentration of

Spelling Word: distill
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(gạt bỏ) free of; rid; remove all of one's clothing

Spelling Word: divest
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(thống trị) monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in

Spelling Word: dominate
Read [Esc] (6)
(ngâm) plunge into water; wet thoroughly; extinguish

Spelling Word: douse
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(hà khắc) extremely harsh; very severe, oppressive or strict

Spelling Word: draconian
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(vẽ) cause to move continuously by force applied in advance of the thing moved; pull along; haul; drag

Spelling Word: draw
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(xoáy) swirling current of water, air; flow in circular current

Spelling Word: eddy
Read [Esc] (10)
(sắc lệnh) decree ,especially issued by a sovereign; official command

Spelling Word: edict