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(tiết lộ) unclose; open; remove a cover or envelope from; lay open or expose to view

Spelling Word: disclose
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(không quyên góp cho nhà thờ) deprive of civil right; deprive someone of franchise, generally their right to vote

Spelling Word: disenfranchise
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(sa thải) stop considering; end employment or service of; discharge; refuse to accept or recognize

Spelling Word: dismiss
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(biệt) definite; separate; different

Spelling Word: distinct
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(dòng) act of turning aside; pastime; activity that relaxes or entertains

Spelling Word: diversion
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(quê kệch) lacking stylishness or neatness; shabby; old-fashioned

Spelling Word: dowdy
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(chọc cười) queer; amusingly odd; comical

Spelling Word: droll
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(kinh tế) efficient use of resources; reduction in cost; specific type of economic system

Spelling Word: economy
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(ngây ngất nhu nhược) having some characteristic of a woman; womanlike; womanly; tender

Spelling Word: effeminate
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(chấm lửng) omission of words from text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission

Spelling Word: ellipsis