Spelling Words for 11th Grade (List 7)

Grade 11: Worksheet - 7
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 Worksheet - High School Words: Spelling Words for 11th Grade (List 7)

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High School Words: Spelling Words for 11th Grade (List 7)

1: v. cause to feel remorse or regret; feel regret or self-reproach for
2: n. surviving remnant; something left after loss or decay; object kept for its association with the past
3: n. one celebrated for wisdom, experience, and judgment; various plants of the genus Salvia
4: v. be idle; exist in a changeless situation; stand still; cease to flow; stand without moving
5: n. duties; obligation; state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable
6: a. having a site, situation, or location; being in a relative position; permanently fixed; placed; located
