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4000 IELTS Academic Words | Introduction |
Academic Words Level 3 - 2 - Matching Quizzes |
[ترغیب] encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of | |
[کھانا] eat a principal regular meal of the day; take dinner; give a dinner to | |
[foible ورق] prevent from being successful | |
[شان دکھانا] display proudly or shamelessly; show oneself off |
[نچوڑ] draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; remove; get despite difficulties or obstacles | |
[بزرگ] somewhat old; advanced beyond middle age | |
[سخت] ferocious; savage; extremely severe or violent; terrible | |
[افراط زر] the general increase in the prices of goods and services in a country |
[خالی] make empty; remove contents of | |
[رک] stop; stand in doubt; hesitate | |
[پریرتادایک] stimulating or exalting to the spirit | |
[کرایہ] food and drink; diet; transportation charge; a paying passenger |
[لڑو] lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; faint; frail | |
[داخلہ] inside; inner part; internal; inner | |
[پہل] serving to initiate; introductory step or movement; an act which originates or begins | |
[ترغیب] encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of |
[وفا] faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances | |
[تنہا] seclude; set apart or cut off from others | |
[ہیون] refuge; shelter; harbor or anchorage; port | |
[distend heave] cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort; lift; raise; hoist; throw |
[درجیئ] arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat | |
[سخت] ferocious; savage; extremely severe or violent; terrible | |
[سیر] run or ride at a steady slow trot; give a push or shake to | |
[ترغیب] encourage; inspirit; fire the imagination of |
[درجیئ] arousing fear; threatening; difficult to undertake or defeat | |
[fluff] inflated or padded material; light down or fuzz, as on a young bird; superficial entertainment | |
[چشمہ] spring of water issuing from the earth; artificially produced jet or stream of water | |
[ببکنا] suddenly outburst; glare; shine with sudden light |
[ہیبت] fearful or distasteful anticipation; terror; horror | |
[لڑو] lacking vigor, force, or effectiveness; faint; frail | |
[تباہ کن] destructive; highly critical; causing or capable of causing complete destruction | |
[giggle] laugh with short catches of the breath or voice; laugh in light, affected, or silly manner |
[distend heave] cause to move upward or onward by a lifting effort; lift; raise; hoist; throw | |
[گھٹن] strong feelings of dislike; offend the taste or moral sense of | |
[ہیون] refuge; shelter; harbor or anchorage; port | |
[ٹیکہ] provide an extensive explanation for words or phrases |
[چشمہ] spring of water issuing from the earth; artificially produced jet or stream of water | |
[جھونک] throw with great force; cast; toss | |
[نچوڑ] draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; remove; get despite difficulties or obstacles | |
[giggle] laugh with short catches of the breath or voice; laugh in light, affected, or silly manner |