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Group 3 - Matching Quizzes |
(صندوق) money; capital; a reserve of money set aside for some purpose; finance; subsidize | |
(تمنع) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back | |
(مجالات التركيز) most important thing; a fixed reference point; center of interest or activity | |
(حصري) leave out of; keep out of; reject |
(طبقة) tier; a relatively thin sheet like expanse or region lying over or under another | |
(ساخطا فردية) single person or thing; human regarded as a unique personality | |
(حمل) persuade; bring about; reason or establish by induction | |
(عوامل) anything that contributes causally to a result; element; variable |
(مجالات التركيز) most important thing; a fixed reference point; center of interest or activity | |
(تعطي تعليمات) teach; make aware of | |
(تجاوزت) go beyond; be or do something to a greater degree | |
(بيان () show, make visible or apparent |
(الأولية) early; preliminary; occurring at the beginning | |
(غرانت) allow to have; give on the basis of merit; be willing to concede | |
(حددوا) detect; find out; discover | |
(تعبر) express or indicate indirectly; signify |
(هستيرية متطابقتان) duplicate; alike; being the exact same one | |
(صندوق) money; capital; a reserve of money set aside for some purpose; finance; subsidize | |
(حصري) leave out of; keep out of; reject | |
(ايفولف) develop; grow |
(تأثير) forceful consequence; strong effect; influencing strongly | |
(الخارجية) exterior; outer; suitable for application to the outside | |
(تنفيذ) put into effect; supply with tools | |
(هستيرية متطابقتان) duplicate; alike; being the exact same one |
(استنتاج) deduce; conclude from evidence or premises; lead to as a consequence or conclusion | |
(الدخل يؤهلهم) gain from labor, business, property, or capital | |
(انحدر) cause to lean, slant, or slope; deviate from the horizontal or vertical | |
(مجلة) magazine; periodical; log; diary; a ledger in which transactions have been recorded as they occurred |
(تمنع) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back | |
(الخارجية) exterior; outer; suitable for application to the outside | |
(دمج) combine something into a larger whole; unite | |
(فأآتب) point out; direct to a knowledge of |
(حمل) persuade; bring about; reason or establish by induction | |
(حصري) leave out of; keep out of; reject | |
(ساخطا فردية) single person or thing; human regarded as a unique personality | |
(الإطار) fundamental structure, as for a written work; skeleton |
(الجنس) sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture; category | |
(عوامل) anything that contributes causally to a result; element; variable | |
(تمنع) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back | |
(مقتطفات) draw or pull out, usually with some force or effort; remove; get despite difficulties or obstacles |