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a. [準確的,正確的] capable of providing a correct reading or measurement; performing with care and precision

Spelling Word: accurate
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n. [結盟,同盟,聯盟] state of being allied; the act of allying or uniting; a union of interests between families, states, parties

Spelling Word: alliance
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n. [救護車,野外醫院] field hospital organized as to follow an army in its movements; a wagon for conveying the wounded to hospital

Spelling Word: ambulance
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n. [贊成,正式批准] official approbation; endorsement; an act of approving

Spelling Word: approval
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a. [知道的,明白的] knowing; having knowledge or cognizance

Spelling Word: aware
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a. [笨拙的,不靈活的] difficult to handle or manage

Spelling Word: awkward
Read [Esc] (7)
n. [烤肉野餐] a rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors

Spelling Word: barbecue
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a. [殘忍的,嚴酷的] like a brute; savage; cruel; inhuman; merciless

Spelling Word: brutal
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n. [纜索,鋼絲繩,電纜] solid thick rope made of twisted steel or metal wire

Spelling Word: cable
Read [Esc] (10)
n. [可卡因,古柯鹼] drug extracted from coca leaves as a surface anesthetic or taken for pleasure, that can become addictive

Spelling Word: cocaine