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/meɪn'teɪn/ v. Syn. support; sustain
(बनाए रखने) keep in any particular state or condition; keep up or carry on; continue

Spelling Word: maintain
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/'mi:dɪə/ n. Syn. medium; television; newspaper
(मीडिया) public institutions that report the news, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television

Spelling Word: media
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/'mɪnɪmaɪz/ v. Syn. minimize
reduce to the smallest possible amount, extent, size, or degree

Spelling Word: minimise
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/nɛvəðə'lɛs/ ad.
(फिर भी) not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of that; yet

Spelling Word: nevertheless
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/'nju:klɪə(r)/;/'nu:-/ a. Syn. atomic
(परमाणु) of, relating to, or forming a nucleus of an atom; pertaining to, or using [___] weapons

Spelling Word: nuclear
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/əb'dʒɛktɪv/ a. Syn. fair
(उदास उद्देश्य) not influenced by emotions; having actual existence or reality

Spelling Word: objective
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/'ɒngoʊɪŋg/ a.
(निरंतर) continuous; existing

Spelling Word: ongoing
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/pə'sɛnt/ n.
out of each hundred; per hundred; one part in a hundred

Spelling Word: percent
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/pə'spɛktɪv/ n. Syn. viewpoint; view
(दृष्टिकोण) appearance of things; view, outlook, or vista

Spelling Word: perspective