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approbation   Speak
/æprə'beɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. approval
(同意,批准) expression of warm approval; praise
She looked for some sign of approbation from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them.
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conflagration   Speak
/kɒnflə'greɪʃ(ə)n/ a.
(大火灾,大火) large destructive fire; burning; large-scale military conflict
After the conflagration had finally died down, the city center was nothing but a mass of blackened embers.
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demure   Speak
/dɪ'mjʊə(r)/ a. Syn. grave; serious
(端庄的,认真的,腼腆的) modest and reserved in manner or behavior
She was demure and reserved, a nice modest girl whom any young man would be proud to take home to his mother.
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fulsome  Speak
[蹦蹦跳跳] dance and skip about in sport; leap playfully
[步态,步法,速度] manner of walking or stepping; bearing or carriage while moving; walk; the rate of moving
[牛蝇,招人烦的人] any of various flies that bite or annoy livestock and other animals; an irritating person
[过分的] offensively flattering or insincere; offensive; disgusting
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n. [矛盾的观点或情绪] state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes, such as love and hate

Spelling Word: ambivalence