[Esc] (1) n. (निषेध) ban or inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion; prohibition
[Esc] (2) n. (शुल्क) tax on goods coming into a country
[Esc] (3) n. (कराधान) laying a tax, or imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by authority; raising of revenue
[Esc] (4) n. (मूंछ) a more or less elongated process or organ, simple or branched, proceeding from the head or cephalic region of invertebrate animals, being either an organ of sense or motion
[Esc] (5) a. (क्षेत्रीय) pertaining to territory or land; limited to a certain district
[Esc] (6) a. (धड़कते) beating or pounding strongly
[Esc] (7) a. (सुव्यवस्थित) being in proper time; timely; arranged in good order; orderly; appropriate; neat; kept in proper
[Esc] (8) n. Syn. slant; lean (कस झुकाव) slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical
[Esc] (9) v. (लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना) walk with short, tottering steps, as a child.
[Esc] (10) n. (पारगमन) act of passing; passage through or over; line or route of passage