PTE Test Vocabulary

The page is an online PTE test resource for preparing PTE vocabulary; in addition to word lists, it offers interactive exercises, tips, printable worksheets, and vocabulary PDFs.
Free Online Vocabulary Test

PTE (the Pearson Test of English) is an English exam for EFL (English as Foreign Language) persons. We assume that most of the website visitors know PTE quite well. If not, the brief introduction will help get the big picture of the PTE Test. (Although PTE offers multiple exams, the page will focus on PTE Academic.)

PTE Academic is an option for education organizations to test whether EFL students are ready to enter the English-speaking academic environment. Thousands of universities and colleges, including Harvard and Yale, accept PTE scores for admission; meanwhile, the UK and Australian governments accept them for visa applications.

The PTE test is the leading computer-based test among all main English tests: convenient and fast. You may book a test, take it, and get its result to send to universities in seven days. How do you do it? First, schedule your test up to 24 hours in advance, then take part in a test session, and finally, get the result within five business days.

Thanks to the IT infrastructure, computer-based tests are available almost every day. PTE sets up more than 200 test centers worldwide, which offer all services, such as sending test scores by request.

PTE Academic includes four sections: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. As an English academic test, its contents are selected from real academic scenarios, especially campus life. For example, excerpts of lectures and charts of either society or science are included in the listening materials. To mock a diverse English academic environment, you will hear various accents from British to Indian.

The test runs with a computer and headset. It consists of three main parts: (1) speaking and writing, (2) listening, (3) reading. The test format is as follows:
PART 1: SPEAKING & WRITING (54 – 67 minutes)

Read aloud; Repeat sentence; Describe image; Re-tell lecture; Answer short question; Summarize written text (one sentence); Summarize written text (paragraph); Essay (20mins)

PART 2: READING (30 minutes)

Multiple choice questions; Re-order paragraphs; Fill in the blanks.

PART 3: LISTENING (30 minutes)

Summarize spoken text; Multiple choice; Fill the blanks; Highlight the correct summary; Select missing word; Highlight incorrect words; Write from dictation.
More information is on PTE's official website. PTE Test

Like all English exams, vocabulary skill plays a critical role in the final score. If you are preparing for the PTE exam, this website is the right place for you. We understand that our visitors are at various levels, with different expectations and schedules. So, we offer PTE exam takers a resource hub, not only one or a few wordlists. These vocabulary, experiences, and apps will help you prepare for the PTE exam more easily and quickly.
PTE Word Lists

PTE exam is an English test. Vocabulary skills will impact all sections of the test. A PTE test taker usually tries to study a vocabulary to cover the words gap before test day, but the actual differences are quite different among test takers. So, you may see many PTE vocabularies on the Internet. Here we prepare three lists and hope one of them can help you.

Vocabulary for PTE Speaking:   Enter

The vocabulary for the PTE speaking test is short but valuable for PTE academic test takers. In general, we divide PTE vocabulary into two categories: one is for reading and listening, and another is for speaking and writing. For the latter, namely vocabulary for speaking, similar to vocabulary for writing, you should pay more effort. Because in PTE test, you have to use them, not just know them. Using them correctly, you will increase your speaking score to a higher level. If you are working hard to get a high score from future PTE academic exams, never ignore this 500+ shortlist. Samples:
facilitate:  Read   help bring about; make less difficult

federal:  Read   of or relating to central government; national

financial:  Read   monetary; pertaining or relating to money matters

finite:  Read   having a limit; limited in quantity, degree, or capacity; bounded

PTE Word List for Academic:   Enter

We compile this PTE word list for PTE academic exam takers. It has an extensive vocabulary, 2500+ words, and is for serious PTE exam takers to study and review. Although it’s not the most challenging PTE academic word list, most test takers should schedule 2 or 3 months to own it. If you get all its words, you should be confident to pass the exam. To help ESL (English as Second Language) students, we also offer definitions of other languages, including Chinese, Russia, etc. Samples:
saline:  Read
a. Syn. salty
salty; containing salt; of or relating to chemical salts

salute:  Read
n. Syn. honor
give a sign of good will; compliment by an act or ceremony, as a kiss, a bow; honor

salvage:  Read
v. Syn. rescue
save from loss or destruction; rescue of a ship; save for further use

sanction:  Read
v. Syn. approve; ratify
give authorization or approval to something; penalize a state, especially for violating international law

PTE Vocabulary Apps

Getting a suitable word list for PTE test-takers is the first step to building vocabulary. Learning new words and reviewing known words are complex jobs day after day until test day. They usually try to look for tools to improve performance and save time. We introduce a few handy web apps here to address the puzzle. Through Internet and browser, you can enhance your PTE test vocabulary from every corner of the world.

PTE vocabulary in 10 Days:   Enter

This web app has a built-in vocabulary of 1000+ words. If these words match your level, the app is a fantastic tool to help you study and review them in the shortest time. It records your activities and words' statuses, creates online exercises smartly and pushes you forward on the right way. Under this tool, you won't waste every minute.
Review PTE Vocabulary
1200 PTE Words in 30 Days:   Enter

This one-month course is an online tool for hardworking and intelligent guys planning to complete 1000+ basic level PTE words. It sounds mission impossible for most PTE test takers because 1000 words within one month is an arduous task for ESL (English as Second Language) students. However, if you try to challenge such a job, the web app gives you a chance. The app is very flexible, and you can extend your time frame to two, three, or even more months. If you don't finish the course in 30 days for any reason, you can keep continuing and never waste the previous effort.
1200 PTE Words in 30 Days
Vocabulary Study Online - PTE:   Enter

Some PTE test takers are looking for a flexible vocabulary-building tool. The basic idea is to load different word lists, even own ones, skip the known ones, learn new ones, and manage half-known words that need to revisit periodically. VSO (Vocabulary Studying Online) is a perfect web app enclosing these features. Two popular PTE vocabularies are available to load based on your preference on the load web page. Also, you can load any other word list. The app will get off the most time-consuming overhead and increase your performance dramatically.
Vocabulary Study Online - PTE
Build PTE Vocabulary Tips

This website also collects and presents related materials, such as tips, experiences, and news, which may help students to prepare PTE test. Although we focus on PTE vocabulary build and the articles usually focus on vocabulary study, we also select other PTE topics if we think that more or less our visitors are interested in them. These resources and information will help visitors go further and faster.

PTE Spelling Practice:   Enter

PTE test consists of 4 sections: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. When preparing PTE vocabulary, you should especially enhance words in writing tests. By the nature of the writing test, if you misspell a word, which not only loses score directly but even ruins the whole sentence or paragraph. So we strongly suggest PTE test takers prepare a set of words for the writing test and ensure to use and spell them correctly. This article lists some resources of PTE vocabulary spelling exercises.

Print PTE Vocabulary Flashcard:   Enter

Do you want to print customized flashcards to prepare PTE vocabulary? This website offers some tools to help you make your flashcards. Flashcards are a regular tool for memorizing important stuff, like math formulas or foreign language words. Some students used to learn new words by flashcards since elementary school. When they start to build PTE vocabulary, flashcards would be one of the most common tools. This paper will show how to print PTE flashcards with resources of this website.

PTE Academic Vocabulary Quizzes:   Enter

Vocabulary level finally impacts the result of the PTE exam, especially of PTE Academic exam. If you want to get a higher score to apply for better colleges, you must have a strong vocabulary. There are some efficient tools to enrich test vocabulary, and online exercise is one of them. This website has two PTE academic word lists, including single choice practice for each word. You can take online single choice exercises to review the known word and learn new words based on them.

Download PTE Vocabulary PDF:   Enter

The PDF file is a favorable option for many PTE vocabulary builders. However, making a personalized word list PDF puzzles some people more or less. The first thing is to have a base vocabulary close to your requirement, remove known words, or update whatever. Finally, you can produce your PDF version with free online PDF makers. The paper will show you how to make a PTE PDF file step by step.
 Featured PTE Vocabulary PDF
PTE Word List for Academic
Definition in English
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Hindi Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Arabic Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Chinese Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
 PTE Vocabulary QuizNext Quiz  
trumpet  Speak
dependable; reliable
brass musical instrument with brilliant tone
teaching pupils individually; fee for instruction, especially at a formal institution of learning
fall down, as if collapsing
 PTE Vocabulary SpellingNext Spelling  
a. Syn. general; comprehensive
general; comprehensive; from one end to the other; including everything

Spelling Word: overall
 2024 New PTE Words
New PTE Vocabulary 2022-2024

abode  New   Speak
n. a place of residence; a house or home
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accumulation     Speak
n. the acquisition or gradual gathering of something
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allure  New   Speak
n. the quality of being powerfully attractive or fascinating
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ambiguity  New   Speak
n. the quality of being open to more than one interpretation, inexactness
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anarchic  New   Speak
a. with no controlling rules or principles to give order
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appreciation  New   Speak
n. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something
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battery     Speak
n. a fortified emplacement for heavy guns
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bizarre  New   Speak
a. very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest
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bot     Speak
n. an autonomous program on the internet that can interact with systems or users
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bounty  New   Speak
n. a sum paid for killing or capturing a person or animal
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buff     Speak
n. a person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject
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burnout     Speak
n. a physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress
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bustle  New   Speak
n. excited activity and movement
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captivate     Speak
v. attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
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caricature  New   Speak
n. a picture of a person in which certain striking characteristics create a comic or grotesque effect
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cast     Speak
v. look at someone/something
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chalk     Speak
n. a soft white limestone formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures
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champion  New   Speak
v. support the cause of; defend
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cheeky     Speak
a. boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way
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cobble     Speak
v. roughly put together something from available parts or elements
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collaborative  New   Speak
a. produced or conducted by two or more parties working together
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comforts  New   Speak
n. things that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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competent     Speak
a. having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully
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comprehend  New   Speak
v. grasp mentally; understand
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cue     Speak
n. a signal to someone, like a performer, to begin a specific speech or action
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defecate  New   Speak
v. pass the contents of the bowels out of the body
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delicious  New   Speak
a. highly pleasant to the taste
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diminish  New   Speak
v. make or become less
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discrepancy     Speak
n. a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
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dismantle     Speak
v. to take a machine or structure to pieces
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dispersant  New   Speak
n. a liquid or gas used to disperse small particles in a medium
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disruption  New   Speak
n. problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process
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dissonance  New   Speak
n. lack of harmony
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disturb  New   Speak
v. interfere with the normal arrangement or functioning
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dough     Speak
n. a thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry
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electrode     Speak
n. a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves an object
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embrace  New   Speak
v. accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly
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encounter  New   Speak
v. unexpectedly experience or be faced with something
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enigma     Speak
n. a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand
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enigmatic     Speak
a. difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
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envoy  New   Speak
n. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission
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exemplify  New   Speak
v. give an example; illustrate by giving an example
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feminine  New   Speak
n. the female sex or gender
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frame     Speak
v. give expression to; express something choosing your words carefully
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garner  New   Speak
v. gather or collect (something, especially information or approval)
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granter     Speak
n. a person who grants or gives something
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grave  New   Speak
a. giving cause for alarm; serious
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griddle     Speak
n. a heavy, flat iron plate that is heated and used for cooking food
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gush  New   Speak
v. flow out in a rapid and plentiful stream, often suddenly
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hearsay     Speak
n. information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor
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heather  New   Speak
n. a low, spreading plant with small purple, pink, or white flowers
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herd  New   Speak
v. keep or look after livestock
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hideous  New   Speak
a. ugly or disgusting to look at
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hop     Speak
v. to ride surreptitiously and without authorization
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humble  New   Speak
a. small in size, quantity, or number
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implication  New   Speak
n. the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future
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