[Esc] (1) v. (چھیڑنا) interfere in a harmful manner; alter improperly
[Esc] (2) n. (لوب) act of tempting, or enticing to evil; seduction
[Esc] (3) v. Syn. frighten (ڈرانے) frighten; fill with terror
[Esc] (4) v. Syn. melt; defrost (گل) melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze
[Esc] (5) a. (تھرمل) relating to or caused by heat; designed to help retain heat
[Esc] (6) n. (thermostat) device, as in a home heating system, a refrigerator, or an air conditioner, that automatically responds to temperature changes
[Esc] (7) n. Syn. pamphlet (پاتھ) expanse of land or water; system of organs that perform a specialized function; leaflet or pamphlet
[Esc] (8) v. Syn. clip; prune (ٹرم) clip; cut down to the desired size or shape
[Esc] (9) n. (tropic) one of the two small circles of the celestial sphere, situated on each side of the equator, and parallel to it; hot and humid place
[Esc] (10) n. (ٹولی) organization of performers and associated personnel