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(अर्थशास्त्र) branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management

Spelling Word: economics
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v. Syn. appear
(उभरने) come into prominence; spring up; appear

Spelling Word: emerge
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(फेंकना) give off; send out; give out as sound

Spelling Word: emit
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(जोर) special attention or effort directed toward something; stress

Spelling Word: emphasis
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n. Syn. perseverance; stamina; duration
(सहनशक्ति) perseverance; state or fact of persevering; continuing existence

Spelling Word: endurance
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v. Syn. illuminate
(प्रबुद्ध) supply with light; illuminate, as the sun enlightens the earth; make clear to the intellect or conscience; give information to; inform or instruct

Spelling Word: enlighten
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n. Syn. inquiry
(पूछताछ) search for knowledge; systematic investigation

Spelling Word: enquiry
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v. Syn. follow
(पीछा करना) pursue; follow or come afterward; follow as a consequence

Spelling Word: ensue
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n. Syn. businessperson; enterprise
(उद्यमी) person who organizes and operates a business; contractor

Spelling Word: entrepreneur
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n. Syn. plague
(महामारी) outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely; widely prevalent

Spelling Word: epidemic