Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is a Fast, Reliable, and Handy tool to prepare English exam vocabulary. (Available for all VIP accounts: US$2/Month). It has built-in word lists: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.
5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List | Introduction |
Level 1 - 1 - Matching Quizzes |
simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
true; real; being, existing, or acting at the present moment; current | |
a natural appearance of coloured light in the sky, that is usually seen nearest the Arctic or Antarctic | |
soft, earthy substance, of a white, grayish, or yellowish-white color, used as a drawing implement |
simultaneous; coincident; occurring or operating at the same time | |
someone who flies a balloon | |
true; real; being, existing, or acting at the present moment; current | |
valiant; venturesome; inclined or willing to incur hazard or engage in adventures |
a male and female associated together; a pair who associate with one another | |
speak, plead, or argue in favor of; plead for; push for something | |
blend; fuse; merge | |
something that restricts or confines within prescribed bounds |
upward slope or grade; movement upward | |
very hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency | |
respire; inhale and exhale air | |
something that completes or makes up a whole or brings to perfection |
a sportsman; one who contended for a prize in public games | |
a natural appearance of coloured light in the sky, that is usually seen nearest the Arctic or Antarctic | |
sentence; phrase; distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document | |
having many small waves; rough with small waves |
work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort | |
a secret agreement for any illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
support; sustain; carry; have; yield; give birth; hold up or support | |
worthwhile; worth doing or achieving; advisable |
respire; inhale and exhale air | |
sentence; phrase; distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document | |
seasoning; something used to give relish to food; something used to enhance the flavor of food, like salt or pepper | |
wonder; state of extreme surprise or wonder; astonishment |
round; shaped like or nearly like a circle | |
a secret agreement for any illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort | |
upward slope or grade; movement upward |
something that restricts or confines within prescribed bounds | |
work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort | |
thoughtful; marked by consideration or reflection; deliberate | |
seasoning; something used to give relish to food; something used to enhance the flavor of food, like salt or pepper |
a secret agreement for any illegal purpose; conspiracy | |
repetition of a beginning sound in poetry | |
act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration | |
smash; collision; falling down or in pieces with a loud noise of breaking parts |