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Group (1) - Matching Quizzes |
(一致,协议) settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states | |
(警告,训斥) warn; counsel someone against something to be avoided | |
(同意) agree; give consent, often at insistence of another; concede | |
(无政府主义) absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion |
(诱惑,引诱) attract with something desirable; be highly, often subtly attractive | |
(粗鲁,笨拙) rude and clumsy in behavior; ungentlemanly; awkward in manners | |
(阻止生长,使枯萎,毁坏) blast; prevent the growth and fertility of; destroy the happiness of; ruin; frustrate | |
(警告,训斥) warn; counsel someone against something to be avoided |
(警告,训斥) warn; counsel someone against something to be avoided | |
(贫困,不幸) state of misfortune, hardship, or affliction; misfortune | |
(废除) abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority | |
(孤立,树敌) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally |
(荒芜的) dry; lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants | |
(增长) make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity | |
(强有力的,坚持己见的) making assaults; unjustly attacking; combative; hostile; tending to spread quickly | |
(警告) gentle or friendly reproof; cautionary advice or warning |
(无政府主义) absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion | |
(贪婪,贪财) greediness for wealth; insatiable desire of gain | |
(孤立,树敌) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally | |
(怪异的) fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance |
(删节,节选) condense; shorten; reduce length of written text | |
(无政府主义) absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion | |
(类比,相似) similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity | |
(掩饰,造成假象,矛盾) contradict; give a false impression |
(掩饰,造成假象,矛盾) contradict; give a false impression | |
(贵族) hereditary nobility; privileged class | |
(荒芜的) dry; lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants | |
(匿名的) having no name; having unknown or unacknowledged name |
(使难堪) embarrass; make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert | |
(无政府主义) absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion | |
(对立面) contrast; direct contrast; opposition | |
(警告) gentle or friendly reproof; cautionary advice or warning |
(匿名的) having no name; having unknown or unacknowledged name | |
(欢快的情绪) cheerful promptness or willingness; eagerness; speed or quickness | |
(无政府主义) absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion | |
(漠不关心) lack of caring; indifference |
(慈善的) generous in providing aid to others; charitable | |
(夸张的) pompous; using inflated language; high-sounding but with little meaning | |
(告诉) inform; give notice to; make aware | |
(阿谀奉承) flattery; speech or action expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart |