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/ə'kɔ:d/ n. Syn. agreement; treaty
(соглашение) settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states

Spelling Word: accord
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/'əgrɛsɪv/ a.
(агрессивного) making assaults; unjustly attacking; combative; hostile; tending to spread quickly

Spelling Word: aggressive
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/'ænɪməs/ n. Syn. enmity; disposition
(анимус) feeling of enmity or ill will; attitude that informs one's actions; disposition

Spelling Word: animus
Read [Esc] (4)
/'ærɪd/ a. Syn. dry; barren
(засушливых) dry; lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants

Spelling Word: arid
Read [Esc] (5)
/ə'sɪdjʊəs/;/ə'sɪdʒʊəs/ a. Syn. diligent; persistent
(усердным) constant in application or attention; diligent; unceasing or persistent

Spelling Word: assiduous
Read [Esc] (6)
/ə'saɪləm/ n. Syn. protection
(убежища) place of refuge or shelter; protection

Spelling Word: asylum
Read [Esc] (7)
/'blændɪʃmənt/ n. Syn. flattery
(обольщение) flattery; speech or action expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart

Spelling Word: blandishment
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/'sɜrkəmspɛkt/ a. Syn. prudent; cautious
(осмотрительнее) carefully aware of all circumstances; cautious

Spelling Word: circumspect
Read [Esc] (9)
/kən'vɪvɪəl/ a. Syn. festive
(праздничный) festive; occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company

Spelling Word: convivial
Read [Esc] (10)
/'kru:ʃ(ə)l/ a.
(важнейших) of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis; of the greatest importance

Spelling Word: crucial