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/ɒn'wi:/ n.
(скука) feeling of being bored by something tedious

Spelling Word: ennui
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/'fætjʊəs/ a. Syn. foolish
(глупые) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way

Spelling Word: fatuous
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/'fɜrvɪd/ a.
(пылким) extremely hot; eager; impassioned; burning

Spelling Word: fervid
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/'gɑrstlɪ/;/'gæstlɪ/ a. Syn. horrible
(ужасный) horrible; inspiring shock; extremely unpleasant or bad

Spelling Word: ghastly
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/'glʌt(ə)n/ n.
(росомаха) person who eats too much food and drink

Spelling Word: glutton
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/'gɒsəmə(r)/ a.
(паутинка) sheer, light, delicate, or tenuous

Spelling Word: gossamer
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/hoʊks/ n. Syn. trick
(обман) act intended to deceive or trick; practical joke

Spelling Word: hoax
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/ɪdɪə'sɪŋkrəsɪ/ n.
(идиосинкразии) behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual

Spelling Word: idiosyncrasy
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/ɪ'mju:n/ a. Syn. exempt; resistant
(иммунной) resistant to; free or exempt from; not subject to

Spelling Word: immune
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/ɪm'plɪsɪt/ a. Syn. implied; suggested
(неявной) implied or understood though not directly expressed

Spelling Word: implicit