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/'ɛkspəgeɪt/ v. Syn. clean
(expurgate) clean; remove offensive parts of book

Spelling Word: expurgate
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/fɪk'tɪʃəs/ a. Syn. imaginary
(काल्पनिक) existing only in imagination; feigned; not true or real

Spelling Word: fictitious
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/dʒi:nɪ'ælədʒɪ/ n. Syn. lineage
(वंशावली) account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage

Spelling Word: genealogy
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/'gɑrstlɪ/;/'gæstlɪ/ a. Syn. horrible
(भयानक) horrible; inspiring shock; extremely unpleasant or bad

Spelling Word: ghastly
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/glʌt/ v. Syn. overstock
(भरमार) fill beyond capacity, especially with food; swallow greedlly

Spelling Word: glut
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/haɪ'pɜrbəlɪ/ n. Syn. exaggeration; overstatement
(अतिशयोक्ति) figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis; overstatement

Spelling Word: hyperbole
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/ɪn'dɪdʒɪnəs/ a. Syn. native; original
(स्वदेशी) native; originating where it is found

Spelling Word: indigenous
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/ɪn'dɒmɪtəb(ə)l/ a. Syn. unconquerable; invincible
(अदम्य) unconquerable; incapable of being overcome

Spelling Word: indomitable
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/ɪn'greɪʃɪeɪt/ v.
(ingratiate) become popular with; make agreeable or acceptable

Spelling Word: ingratiate
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/ɪn'hɪbɪt/ v. Syn. restrain; prevent
(रोकना) restrain; prevent or forbid; hold back

Spelling Word: inhibit