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/mə'lɪʃəs/ a. Syn. spiteful
(درنساوناپورن) deliberately harmful; spiteful; proceeding from extreme hatred

Spelling Word: malicious
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/mæskə'reɪd/;/mæskə'rɛd/ n.
(بہانا) assembly of persons wearing masks, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions; dramatic performance by actors in masks

Spelling Word: masquerade
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/'nɔɪsəm/ a.
(بدبودار) foul-smelling; offensive by arousing disgust; harmful or dangerous

Spelling Word: noisome
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/əb'sɛʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. fascination; mania
(جنون) compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion

Spelling Word: obsession
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/əb'tru:d/ v.
(obliterate obtrude) push oneself or one's ideas forward or intrude; stick out or extrude

Spelling Word: obtrude
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/əb'tru:sɪv/ a.
(obtuse) inclined to intrude or thrust one's self or one's opinions upon others; enter uninvited; forward; pushing; intrusive.

Spelling Word: obtrusive
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/'oʊnəs/ n. Syn. burden; responsibility
(ذمہ داری) burden or obligation; difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity

Spelling Word: onus
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/'pærədɪ/ n.
(بڑوآ) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of

Spelling Word: parody
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/pə'ru:z/ v.
(perspicacious peruse) read or examine, typically with great care

Spelling Word: peruse
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/pə'vɜrs/ a.
(ٹیڑھی) stubbornly wrongheaded; directed away from what is right or good

Spelling Word: perverse