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 Group 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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/reɪz/ v. Syn. demolish; ruin
(نوچنا) destroy completely; scrape or shave off

Spelling Word: raze
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/ri:kə'pɪtjʊleɪt/ v. Syn. summarize
(recapitulate) summarize; repeat in concise form

Spelling Word: recapitulate
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/ri:'ɪtəreɪt/ v.
(اعادہ) say, state, or perform again or repeatedly

Spelling Word: reiterate
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/'rɛnɪgeɪd/ n. Syn. deserter; traitor
(سودرمتیاگی) disloyal person; traitor or rebel

Spelling Word: renegade
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/rɪ'zɪlɪənt/ a. Syn. elastic; flexible; rebounding
(لچیلا) elastic; having power of springing back or recover readily

Spelling Word: resilient
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/ru:/ v. Syn. regret; lament; mourn
(غم) feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for; mourn

Spelling Word: rue
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/'sæŋgwɪn/ a. Syn. cheerful; hopeful; ruddy
(گرما گرم) cheerfully confident; optimistic; of healthy reddish color; ruddy

Spelling Word: sanguine
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/'sʌltrɪ/ a.
(امسدار) burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

Spelling Word: sultry
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/tɪ'mɛrɪtɪ/ n. Syn. boldness; rashness
(اتاولاپن) boldness; rashness; foolhardy disregard of danger

Spelling Word: temerity
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/'tɛmpər(ə)l/ a. Syn. secular
(دنیاوی) not lasting forever; limited by time; secular or civil; of material world; worldly

Spelling Word: temporal