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/sɪ'lɛstɪəl/;/sə'lZstʃl/ a. Syn. heavenly
(आकाशीय) relating to the sky or the heavens; supremely good; god or angel

Spelling Word: celestial
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/'sɜrkəmspɛkt/ a. Syn. prudent; cautious
(चेकर चौकस) carefully aware of all circumstances; cautious

Spelling Word: circumspect
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/sɜrkəm'vɛnt/ v. Syn. outwit
(दरकिनार) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit

Spelling Word: circumvent
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/kəm'pætɪb(ə)l/ a. Syn. harmonious
(संगत) harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes

Spelling Word: compatible
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/kɒmpɛn'seɪʃ(ə)n/ n.
(मुआवजा) something given or received as payment as for a service or loss or injury

Spelling Word: compensation
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/kən'dʒɛktʃə(r)/ v.
(अनुमान) believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds

Spelling Word: conjecture
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/'kaʊntɪnəns/ v. Syn. approve; tolerate
(चेहरा) give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve

Spelling Word: countenance
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/'krɛdɪb(ə)l/ a.
(विश्वसनीय) capable of being credited or believed; worthy of belief; entitled to confidence; trustworthy

Spelling Word: credible
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/kɜrb/ v.
(रोकने) bend or curve; guide and manage, or restrain

Spelling Word: curb
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/'kɜrsərɪ/ a. Syn. casual
(सरसरी) casual; brief or broad; not cautious, nor detailed

Spelling Word: cursory