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/'dɪspərət/ a. Syn. unrelated
(असमान) fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar

Spelling Word: disparate
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/dɪ'spætʃ/ n. Syn. expedition; sending off
(प्रेषण) act of sending off something; property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste

Spelling Word: dispatch
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/daɪ'næmɪk/ a. Syn. energetic
(गतिशील) energetic; vigorously active

Spelling Word: dynamic
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/ɪ'fɛmərəl/ a.
(अल्पकालिक) short-lived; enduring a very short time

Spelling Word: ephemeral
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/ɪk'sɛpʃ(ə)nəb(ə)l/ a.
(एतराज़) open or liable to objection or debate; liable to cause disapproval

Spelling Word: exceptionable
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/ɪg'zɛmplərɪ/ a. Syn. modeled; ideal
(अनुकरणीय) serving as model; outstanding; typical

Spelling Word: exemplary
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/ɪk'stɪŋkt/ a. Syn. nonexistent; vanished; dead
(विलुप्त) no longer existing or living; vanished; dead

Spelling Word: extinct
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/fə'leɪʃəs/ a. Syn. false; deceptive
(ग़लत) false; tending to mislead; deceptive

Spelling Word: fallacious
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/'fæləb(ə)l/ a.
(अविश्वसनीय) likely to fail or be inaccurate

Spelling Word: fallible
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/'fɜrvɪd/ a.
(प्रचंड) extremely hot; eager; impassioned; burning

Spelling Word: fervid