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/'kæləs/ a.
(硬心肠的,无情的) emotionally hardened; unfeeling; toughened

Spelling Word: callous
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/kæn'tæŋkərəs/ a. Syn. irritable
(脾气坏,易发怒) ill humored; irritable; marked by ill-tempered contradiction or opposition; ugly; malicious

Spelling Word: cantankerous
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/'kæpʃəs/ a.
(难以讨好的,吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的) intended to confuse in an argument

Spelling Word: captious
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/sɜrkəm'vɛnt/ v. Syn. outwit
(智取,包围) surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; beat by cleverness and wit

Spelling Word: circumvent
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/'klæmərəs/ a.
(吵闹的,喧哗的) speaking and repeating loud words; full of clamor; calling or demanding loudly or urgently; vociferous; noisy; bawling; loud

Spelling Word: clamorous
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/koʊə'lɛs/ v. Syn. combine; fuse; mix
(接合,结合,合并) combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite

Spelling Word: coalesce
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/koʊə'lɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. partnership; league; union
(伙伴,同盟,集合) partnership; league; state of being combined into one body

Spelling Word: coalition
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/'koʊdʒənt/ a. Syn. convincing
(有说服力的) reasonable and convincing; based on evidence; forcefully persuasive

Spelling Word: cogent
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/kən'sɛnsəs/ n. Syn. Agreement; accord
(意见一致,多数人的意见,舆论) general agreement or accord; opinion reached by a group as a whole

Spelling Word: consensus
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/krɪndʒ/ v.
(畏缩,谄媚,奉承) shrink or recoil, as in fear, disgust or embarrassment; bend or crouch with base humility

Spelling Word: cringe