ugly: a. (难看的,丑陋的,令人讨厌的) offensive to the sight; contrary to beauty; disagreeable aspect; unsightly | ultimate: a. Syn. final; fundamental; extreme (终极的) final; being the last or concluding; fundamental; elemental; extreme |
ultimately: ad. (最后,最终) as final consequence; at last; in the end | ultimatum: n. (最后通牒) last offer; final statement of terms made by one party to another |
ultrasonic: a. Syn. supersonic (超音速的,超声(波)的) supersonic; higher in frequency than the range of sound perceptible to the human ear | ultraviolet: a. (紫外线的) wave lengths shorter than light but longer than X rays |
unanimous: a. Syn. uniform; agreed (全体意见一致的) uniform; in complete agreement | unbearable: a. Syn. unendurable; intolerable (无法忍受的,承受不住的) unendurable; so unpleasant, distasteful, or painful as to be intolerable |
unbridled: a. Syn. violent (放肆的,肆虐的) violent; not restrained or controlled | unbroken: a. Syn. uninterrupted; intact (完整的,持续的) continuous, without interruption; intact |
unconditional: a. (无条件的,无限制的,绝对的) made without condition; absolute; unreserved | unconscious: a. (失去知觉的,无意的,潜意识) lacking awareness; senseless; unaware |
uncover: v. Syn. reveal; expose; disclose (发现,揭示) remove the cover from; expose; disclose | underestimate: v. Syn. undervalue (低估,看轻) make too low an estimate of the quantity; undervalue |
undergraduate: n. ((尚未取得学位的)大学生) university student who has not yet received a first degree | underground: a. Syn. subterranean; buried (地下的,地面下的) under the level of the ground; buried |
underlying: a. Syn. fundamental; implicit (根本的,在下面的,潜在的) lying under or beneath something; basic; implicit; taking precedence; prior | undermine: v. Syn. weaken (破坏) weaken by wearing away base or foundation; injure or impair; dig a mine or tunnel beneath |
underneath: ad. (在下面) under or below an object or a surface; lower down on the page | undertake: v. Syn. embark; assume (从事,承担) take on; embark on; assume |