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(vợt) device consisting of an oval frame with a tight interlaced network of strings and a handle; wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis

Spelling Word: racket
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a. Syn. torn; worn
(rách rưới) torn; worn; having an irregular surface or edge; uneven or jagged in outline

Spelling Word: ragged
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a. Syn. wild; extravagant
(lan tràn) unrestrained and violent; occurring without restraint

Spelling Word: rampant
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n. Syn. kingdom; domain
(ý) kingdom; domain ruled by a king or queen

Spelling Word: realm
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(niệm) repeat, as something already prepared, written down, committed to memory; rehearse, as a lesson to an instructor

Spelling Word: recite
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v. Syn. rehabilitate; rejuvenate
(đòi) bring into or return to a suitable condition for use; claim back; make useful again

Spelling Word: reclaim
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v. Syn. adapt; settle; resolve
(hòa giải) correct inconsistencies; become friendly after a quarrel; become compatible or consistent

Spelling Word: reconcile
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v. Syn. enlist; enroll
(tuyển dụng) enlist; register formally as a participant; engage for military service

Spelling Word: recruit
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(tái) falling back into a former state, especially becoming worse

Spelling Word: relapse
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(chuyển tiếp) act of passing something along from one person, group, or station to another

Spelling Word: relay