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(गुर्दा) glandular organ which excretes urea and other waste products from the animal body

Spelling Word: kidney
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a. Syn. dormant; hidden
(अव्यक्त) present or potential but not evident or active; dormant; hidden

Spelling Word: latent
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n. Syn. rent; charter
(पट्टा) rent; charter; engage for service under a term of contract

Spelling Word: lease
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n. Syn. nobility
(महिमा) nobility; greatness and dignity of a sovereign; royal personage

Spelling Word: majesty
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(मर्दाना) of the male sex; not female; having the qualities of a man

Spelling Word: masculine
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(पदक) a piece of metal in form of coin, and intended to preserve remembrance of notable event or person, or to serve as a reward

Spelling Word: medal
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a. Syn. disreputable; infamous
(कुख्यात) disreputable; known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous

Spelling Word: notorious
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v. Syn. feed; nurture
(पोषण) provide with nourishment; provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth

Spelling Word: nourish
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a. Syn. dull
(पैदल) lacking wit or imagination; ordinary

Spelling Word: pedestrian
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n. Syn. understanding; feeling; sense
(धारणा) understanding; feeling; effect or product of perceiving

Spelling Word: perception