3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (5) - Matching Quizzes |
(估计) judge to be probable; form an opinion about; evaluate | |
(昼夜平分点,春分,秋分) period of equal days and nights; beginning of Spring and Autumn | |
(假人,被人憎恨的人物或形象) crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group; likeness or image, especially of a person | |
(激怒) make worse; irritate; make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly |
(挤压,逼) force or push out; drive away; displace or remove, as a person from a place or office | |
(包治百病,万能药) substance believed to cure all ills | |
(使尴尬,使困窘) humiliate; shame; cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert | |
(鼓舞) give energy to; make forceful and active; supply with an electric current |
(善于表达的,有口才的) vividly or movingly expressive; persuasive | |
(插曲式的) loosely connected; divided into incidents; occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals | |
(贫(无)齿类动物) having few teeth; lacking teeth | |
(激怒) make worse; irritate; make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly |
(抹掉) rub or wipe out; make indistinct as if by rubbing | |
(估计) judge to be probable; form an opinion about; evaluate | |
(努力,尽力,成果) exertion of strength or power, whether physical or mental, in performing an act or aiming at an object | |
(订正,校正) correct; improve by critical editing; free from fault; alter for the better |
(贫(无)齿类动物) having few teeth; lacking teeth | |
(高的) standing out above other things; high in rank, office, or worth | |
(根除,灭绝) eliminate; eradicate; kill on a large scale; kill man | |
(清除,净化) clean; remove offensive parts of book |
(雕刻,镌版,铭刻在心) carve or cut into a block or surface, as used for printing; impress deeply as if by carving | |
(离开,启程) departure of a large number of people | |
(席卷,吞没) absorb or swallow up as in a gulf; flow over or cover completely | |
(书信的) consisting of letters; written in form of or carried on by letters |
(解释性的) explanatory; serving to explain | |
(去除) cut away; cut out; remove by or as if by cutting | |
(过度的,过分的,过多的) extreme; inordinate; too much | |
(使其狂喜) please intensely; fill with great delight or joy |
(有魄力) full of initiative; marked by aggressive ambition and energy and initiative | |
(镶边,绣花,添油加醋) decorate with needlework; add details to | |
(过度的) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; exceeding proper limits | |
(努力,尽力,成果) exertion of strength or power, whether physical or mental, in performing an act or aiming at an object |
(表皮,皮肤) outer, protective layer of skin of vertebrates | |
(使其狂喜) please intensely; fill with great delight or joy | |
(过度的,过分的,过多的) extreme; inordinate; too much | |
(枚举) list each one; mention one by one |
(昼夜平分点,春分,秋分) period of equal days and nights; beginning of Spring and Autumn | |
(赞美) praise highly; glorify; celebrate | |
(书信的) consisting of letters; written in form of or carried on by letters | |
(绰号) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing |