3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (6) - Matching Quizzes |
(丰饶) fertility; fruitfulness; productive or creative power | |
(扭曲的脸,做鬼脸) facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust | |
(方圆,周围环境) distance around something; circumference; size; bulk | |
(免费的) free, without charge; costing nothing |
(粒化) form into grains or small masses; make rough on surface | |
(瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴,荒芜) very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren | |
(紧握,紧抓) hold fast or firmly; seize as in a wrestling match | |
(假的,淡的,不鲜明的,佯攻) trick; any distracting or deceptive maneuver |
(坐立不安,使烦躁,使不安) move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
(瞪着,愤怒的看着) look at with a fixed gaze; angry stare | |
(过分讲究,鸡毛蒜皮) insisting capriciously on getting just what one wants; difficult to please; fussy | |
(勇敢的,有精神的) bravely; in game manner; in willing and spirited fashion |
(坐立不安,使烦躁,使不安) move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
(张着嘴呆看) stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe | |
(有教养,文雅) quality of being well-mannered; refinement; people of good birth | |
(健康) health; vigor; state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness |
(星系,一群显赫的人,一系列重要的人或物) large, isolated system of stars, as the Milky Way; any collection of brilliant personalities | |
(上流的) well-bred; marked by refinement in taste and manners | |
(轻视,嘲笑,愚弄) reject; mock; express contempt for rules by word or action; behave with contempt | |
(装饰) decorate with ornamental appendages |
(紧握,紧抓) hold fast or firmly; seize as in a wrestling match | |
(粗糙的,粗暴的) having rough, surly, or harsh nature | |
(瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴,荒芜) very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren | |
(健康) health; vigor; state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness |
(引力,重力) force of attraction between all masses in the universe | |
(张着嘴呆看) stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe | |
(坐立不安,使烦躁,使不安) move uneasily one way and the other; behave or move nervously or restlessly | |
(冰河的,冰川的) like a glacier; extremely cold; lacking warmth and friendliness |
(一般性) quality of being general; an idea having general application | |
(机密灵巧,计策) handle or manage carefully or skillfully; handle with a deceptive | |
(影响形成的,影响发展的) developing; forming; capable of forming or molding | |
(粒化) form into grains or small masses; make rough on surface |
(影响形成的,影响发展的) developing; forming; capable of forming or molding | |
(瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴,荒芜) very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren | |
(上流的) well-bred; marked by refinement in taste and manners | |
(山羊,色鬼) any of various ruminant mammals, of the genus Capra, related to the sheep; scapegoat |
(方圆,周围环境) distance around something; circumference; size; bulk | |
(有教养,文雅) quality of being well-mannered; refinement; people of good birth | |
(勇敢的,有精神的) bravely; in game manner; in willing and spirited fashion | |
(凶猛的) ferocious; savage; extremely severe or violent; terrible |