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(折衷的) composed of elements from a variety of sources

Spelling Word: eclectic
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(废物,弥漫的臭味) waste; foul-smelling outflow or vapor

Spelling Word: effluvia
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(排除,剔除) eradicate; abolish; rule out

Spelling Word: eliminate
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(椭圆的,有意模棱两可的) rounded like an egg; in a shape reminding of an ellipse; oval

Spelling Word: elliptical
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(善于表达的,有口才的) vividly or movingly expressive; persuasive

Spelling Word: eloquent
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(迷惑不解) throw into confusion; deeply involved especially in something complicated

Spelling Word: embroiled
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(订正,校正) correct; improve by critical editing; free from fault; alter for the better

Spelling Word: emend
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(憎恨,仇恨) ill will; hatred; quality or state of being hostile

Spelling Word: enmity
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(俘获) capture; attract and hold by charm, beauty, or excellence; hold in bondage or subjection

Spelling Word: enthrall
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(撒谎,误导) lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth

Spelling Word: equivocate