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(复制品) exact copy or reproduction, as of a document; fax

Spelling Word: facsimile
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(愚蠢的,不可理喻的,不理智的) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way

Spelling Word: fatuous
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(想象出来的,不真实的) fictional, relating to imaginative creation

Spelling Word: fictive
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(固定的,不变的) firmly in position; stationary

Spelling Word: fixed
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(放弃) give up; do without; go or pass by without claiming

Spelling Word: forgo
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(争吵,混战) noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; disturbance

Spelling Word: fracas
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(友善) associate with others in brotherly or friendly way

Spelling Word: fraternize
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(争吵) battle, assault, or quarrel with violence; wear away by rubbing

Spelling Word: fray
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(瘦骨嶙峋,憔悴,荒芜) very thin, especially from disease or hunger or cold; barren

Spelling Word: gaunt
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(发芽) cause to sprout or grow; come into existence

Spelling Word: germinate